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  • 公司认证: 营业执照未认证
  • 企业性质:私营企业
  • 公司地址: 安徽省 合肥市 肥西县 桃花镇 柏堰社区 No. 659, Mingzhu Road, Hi-Tech Development Zone, Hefei City , Anhui Province, China
  • 姓名: jerremie lan
  • 认证: 手机未认证 身份证未认证 微信已绑定



    VSEE/Vision color sorter factory direct selling
    Engineer overseas service available.
    Jerremie Lan 
    Anhui vsee optoelectronic Technology Co., Ltd is a high-tech enterprise engaged in research, development, design and manufacturing of food and industrial color sorting equipments. The company has a strength R&D team which has been working many years for optoelectronics color sorter and CCD color sorter study, and possesses rich practical experience and strong research and development capability, especially with technological advantage in digital optoelectronic detection represented by CCD sensor. The monochrome CCD color sorter researched and produced by our company is in leading status in domestic industries, and the color CCD color sorter initiates domestic market. Now the main products of our company include series of rice color sorter, cereals color sorter, tea color sorter, dehydrated vegetables color sorter, and so on, which can meet the color sorter requirements of different customers. What's more, according to our customers' practical requirements, our company would provide the services for full design project, manufacture, installation and debugging, and technique training. For different materials and different color selection requirements we provide efficient solutions. No matter where you are, we are ready.

    主要市场 海外
    经营范围 公司主要经营color,sorter,vsee,rice, 色选机,color sorter


    注册号 340107000028482 注册机构 合肥市高新开发区市场监督*
    统一社会信用代码 91340100691092724L 组织机构代码 691092724
    注册资本 2045.45**民币 营业期限 2009-07-17至2039-07-13
    经营状态 存续 公司类型 有限责任公司(自然人投资或控股)
    成立日期 2009-07-17 法人代表 卢业青
    公司地址 合肥市高新区柏堰科技园明珠大道659号
    经营范围 色选机的研发、生产制造、销售;食品检测设备的研发、装配、销售;电子信息、软件、新材料、新能源与节能设备技术及产品的开发、咨询、服务、转让;计算机及辅助设备、软件、机电设备的销售;农业机械、粮食与种子干燥机械、种子加工机械、面粉机械、碾米机械、粮食清选机、热风炉、金属储存仓的研发、生产、销售;光电检测设备、教学设备、电子元器件、光学器件、五金交电、金属材料销售;机电设备、制冷设备、计算机网络工程安装
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